Tourism in Trujillo
It was the political and administrative capital of the Chimu Kingdom. The original extension was about 20 Km2. At the moment it has 14 Km2, being considered as “The Biggest Mud City on the world.” On November 28, 1986, the UNESCO declared Chan Chan Heritage World Site.
The Walled Complex Nik An or Tschudi is the only site open for the tourist visits. Between 1964 and 1970 there were carried out works for cleaning, consolidation and restoration these were directed by the Peruvian Francisco Emilio Iriarte Brenner.
Also, in 1972 like part of the Project Chan Chan – Valley of Moche, new excavations and studies were made by Michael Moseley and Carol J. Mackey from Harvard University

It is located in front to Huaca del Sol, next to the hill called Cerro Blanco. This hill was considered as a sacred place, for its pyramidal form, its location to the east – associate probably with the sunrise – and its clear color.
Huaca de La Luna has like main representation to the God of the Mountain also known as Ai-apaec.The Square Main preserve their facade staggered with colored different designs.
The interior of temple is decorated with polichromed reliefs with varied iconography. From the top of the temple You can observe the width of the city where lived the elite and the artisans. You can see as well as imposing Huaca del Sol that had an administrative function.

It is located in the valley Chicama, 60 Km. from Trujillo city. The Archaeological Complex is composed by Huaca Prieta, Huaca Partida or El Brujo and Huaca Cao Viejo.
In Huaca Cao were discovered for first time the reliefs with the representation of naked prisoners who go to the sacrifice with a rope in the neck. In the Ceremonial Square was discovered an enclosure decorated with reliefs polychromes that the archaeologists sustain is the Mochica Calendar well-known as “The Complex Theme”
In the year 2006 was discovered in Huaca Cao, the intact tomb of the Lady of Cao, this important woman was buried with a funeral rich treasure, consistent in crowns, earings, noserings, necklaces, clubs in golden copper and other valuable ornaments that are exhibited in the Cao Museum located in front to the temple.

It is located 14 km. to the northwest of Trujillo’s city. This old town of fishermen had conserved the ancestral use of the calls “Caballitos de totora” “Small boats in reed” were used by the Moches and Chimús. Those were very important an were as well depicted in the ceramic and the walls of Chan Chan.
In the highest part of Huanchaco is located the church of Perpetual Socorro built during the colonial time.
At the moment, Huanchaco is the most popular beach in Trujillo. It is also an magnify place for the surfing. For the lovers of the seafood it is the ideal place, because the restaurants in front of the sea offer the dishes and more exquisite flavors, prepared with the most selected fish and shellfish.